type metal - definition. What is type metal
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  • 1698 illustration of a German typefounder preparing type-metal
  • A sort made from type metal

Korean metal-type print classical novels         
Draft:Old Metal-Type Print Classical Novels (guhwaljabon gojeon soseol); Korean Metal-Type Print Classical Novels (guhwaljabon gojeon soseol)
Old metal-type prints (guhwaljabon) appeared with the introduction of the soft-metal (lead) types (yeonhwalja) and the advancement of modern print technology. A variety of books were printed using old-metal types, including classical novels, modern novels, how-to books, religious publications, and translations.
Metalmetal bond         
Metal-metal bond
In inorganic chemistry, metalmetal bonds describe attractive interactions between metal centers. The simplest examples are found in bimetallic complexes.
type metal         
¦ noun Printing an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, used for casting type.


Type metal

In printing, type metal refers to the metal alloys used in traditional typefounding and hot metal typesetting. Historically, type metal was an alloy of lead, tin and antimony in different proportions depending on the application, be it individual character mechanical casting for hand setting, mechanical line casting or individual character mechanical typesetting and stereo plate casting. The proportions used are in the range: lead 50‒86%, antimony 11‒30% and tin 3‒20%. Antimony and tin are added to lead for durability while reducing the difference between the coefficients of expansion of the matrix and the alloy. Apart from durability, the general requirements for type-metal are that it should produce a true and sharp cast, and retain correct dimensions and form after cooling down. It should also be easy to cast, at reasonable low melting temperature, iron should not dissolve in the molten metal, and mould and nozzles should stay clean and easy to maintain. Today, Monotype machines can utilize a wide range of different alloys. Mechanical linecasting equipment uses alloys that are close to eutectic.

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